Sunday, January 23, 2011


Where does a mal-loved go for nourishment?
For the hearth has no heat for her,
It’s colder than the whitest of white Christmases.

Where does a mal-loved go for hope?
For the heart has no song for her,
It’s drier than the ungiving wishing well.

Where does a mal-loved go for sustenance?
For the larder has no stock for her,
It’s emptier than a heart with no song in it.

Where does a mal-loved go?
For the home has no man for her,
It’s barer than a vacant womb.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


(One of my earliest pieces that has survived the ravages of time. Though I can't remember its origins, I do remember that I was in my final year of school and, at the time, was visiting Kolkata.)

You roam around
to settle down,
Get up, to
again sit down.
Impatience in you
seems a virtue.

Yesterday, you came so close to me
almost becoming a part of me.
You seemed to speak to me,
but my ears failed me.

Like a sunbeam,
you exposed me
in all my transparency.
Clearly you saw,
my nectar, your honey.
Slowly, you drained me,
setting me free.

But, addicted to you
I keep regenerating,
yielding mine through time
to you, as a summer offering.


Her touch – my smile.
She frowns – I sweat.
Her eyes – my soul.
She cooks – I frown.
Her waist – my arms.
She talks – I look.
Her bite – my pleasure.
She shouts – I react.
Her call – my wait.
She loves – I evolve.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


What has to be said, cannot be.
What is being said, is not heard.
What is being heard, has not been said.
Signal failure?

Monday, January 17, 2011

FEAR (Part 1)

Hoping not to fail before succeeding
Or is it succeed before failing.
Hoping to know -- what I am, should be.
Hoping for I don't know what.

Monday, January 3, 2011

And Then There Were Three...

Author Louis Sabin said, "No matter how little money and how few possessions, you own, having a dog makes you rich."

By this logic my cousin is one of the richest men in my family. 
Well, let me show you his vault.  
There's the elderly dignified German Shepherd always resting his tired bones. Then there is the Pug. He is a loud, proud, attention-seeking show-off. And last, but not the least is a lady who completes the ensemble. The stylish Cocker Spaniel. Now if that don't make him a rich man, what will?

Deep in Thought

The three pose for the camera

Discussing world matters