Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I look at the blank page with an even blanker stare.
All I can think of is ejaculating on it without a care.
The blank page is a challenge, a dare.
Its emptiness resembling the wastelands, oh so bare!
Words are the knife with which to I pare
myself, layer after layer – one a saint, the other a player.
Lonely despite my many selves, nothing can save me – not even a prayer.
I think it’s time someone comes and heals that tear.
Like a stallion on heat looking for a mare,
I search for that maiden, my muse, oh so fair!
But all I get to see is an empty rocking chair.
Oh, if only I had someone who would care.
That’s my life, summed up in a tear.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Very Short Short Story

He called to say he was coming to get me. And that I only had 10 minutes. All I could do was wait impotently for him. And then the doorbell rang. And there he was. Ready to take me to the airport.